Go Easy with Props

Props are used to spice up ordinary photos by enhancing the subject. However, professional props can be very expensive. If you are looking to jazz up your shots, but don’t have the money to buy pro props, don’t despair. There are hundreds of ways you can add visually stimulating objects to your images without breaking the bank. Most professional photo studios have a litany of props, from benches, columns and chairs to luxurious backdrops, antique benches and faux staircases. If you want to simulate the look of a pro portrait studio in your home, then get creative. Design your own … Continue reading

Tips for Taking that Perfect Photo: Props

Props are not essential to a great photo of your baby, but they can add humor, put your tiny one’s size in perspective, or add a little nostalgia to the photo (for example, having your baby pose with your childhood teddy bear!) Here are a few guidelines for using props in your baby’s portrait. If you’ve just “dropped in,” check out the first two installments of this series: Timing and Lighting. Keep it Simple If you’re going to use a prop, such as a toy, limit it to one, possibly two objects. You don’t want to crowd the photo with … Continue reading

Have a Kickin’ Kindergarten Graduation Party

They may be little, but graduation day is still a big deal for kindergarteners.  Young kids love to celebrate and while mastering the ABCs and 123s may not compare to earning a college degree, it warrants some type of ceremony. Fortunately, you don’t have to break the bank honoring your little graduate.  Rather, keep the shindig simple by selecting a theme that yields itself to inexpensive fun.  For example: Books:  Ask your child’s teacher what books the kids read in class during the course of the academic year.  Then, select a few titles and incorporate them into the theme.  You … Continue reading

Halloween Snaps

If you are like me, then you try to get the most use out of your kid’s Halloween costume as you possibly can. In my family that means frequenting Halloween events at the children’s museum, the zoo, school, the public library and other public and private venues. However, regardless of where your little ghouls or gremlins go to get their sugar high, frame worthy photo opportunities are lurking around every corner. If you are looking to snap keepers of your kids this Halloween, consider the following tips: Get Creative: Rather than have your Wolverine clad son pose stiffly next to … Continue reading

Halloween on a Budget

Who says you have to go broke prepping for Halloween? If you are terrified by the prospect of draining your wallet on frightful costumes, props and decorations, then consider these budget-saving ideas that will help scare away the money blues: Pun-ny: A little creativity can go a long way on October 31st, especially if you are a fan of puns. For example, you can use a knife and a cereal box to be a “Cereal Killer.” Or, place a loaf of bread in a baseball mitt and goes as the “Catcher in the Rye.” Another affordable option is to dress … Continue reading

Creative DIY Backgrounds

Having an uncluttered and pleasing background in a photo helps to pull the viewer’s eyes to the subject. If you are using a DSLR camera and a fast lens, it’s much easier to do this because you can blur the background, and as long as there are not too many colors, it’s almost as though your subject is standing in front of a backdrop. If you don’t have the luxury of an expensive camera and lens, however, you can still create great backdrops with little to no money. Look for a building. Buildings, especially old brick ones, offer great backgrounds … Continue reading

Prepping for the Holiday Greeting Card Photo Shoot

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… as long as you are not in charge of shooting the family photo for the annual holiday greeting card. Having to come up with a decent shot that doesn’t make your family look like a motley crew isn’t easy, especially if you are working with a group of antsy kids, who rather have their fingers turn into stalks of broccoli, than pose for a holiday picture. If you are looking for ways to preserve your sanity during the dreaded holiday card photo shoot, then consider the following tips: 1. Don’t shoot when … Continue reading

Disney English Learning Centers in China

I know I haven’t been very supportive of Disney’s business deals in China, but recent news from The Washington Post finds me giving at least a partial thumbs up to one of Disney’s latest branding efforts there. In fact, this particular story starts in the city about which I blasted Disney’s efforts to build a new theme park: Shanghai. While there’s not much more news on Disney building its second Chinese theme park there, and whether it’s improved its dealings with the locals it would be displacing, in 2008 Disney did do something good for the city of Shanghai: open … Continue reading

Coping With Social Exclusion

Does your preschooler have friends? I know that some say that preschoolers are too young to have true friends. They don’t necessarily understand the social dynamics of friendship. After all, four-year-olds have just moved from solitary play into parallel play and now into social play. My daughter does have a few four-year-olds whom we might call her friends, and although they are not always happy with each other they get along remarkably well, all things considered. I always need to remember that these children were just born four and a half years ago. We expect a lot from them socially. … Continue reading

Free 8×10 Of Baby

I know I said yesterday that today’s blog would be about whether you need to replace your child’s car seat after a car accident, but I discovered a deal that I had to share with you, and it’s only valid today. I know that many parents take their children to get their pictures taken professionally. This usually happens at three months, six months, nine months, one year, and every subsequent birthday. I’ve never taken my daughter to get her picture taken professionally. I’m not sure why, but it probably is a combination of a few things. It could be the … Continue reading