Learning More about Megapixels

Along with new cameras and features, digital photography brings a world of new lingo that we now must learn to be able to work effectively with digital photographs. Everything seems to be measured in megapixels, but what exactly is a megapixel? Let’s explore the world of megapixels while we try to gain an understanding. Although I somewhat understand myself what it is and how it works, in order to delve deeper into the subject, I contacted my good friend Keith Randall with Ritz Camera for some more information. Basically he helped me understand and reword the knowledge I already have, … Continue reading

Experimenting With Your New Camera

Holidays are one of the most popular times to take photographs. Which is why last year I asked for a new camera in August (the month of my birthday). Doing so allowed me to experiment with my new device for at least three months before I used it to capture magical holiday moments. If you don’t feel your camera is providing you with the quality photos you desire now is the time of year to purchase a new one. Not only will you be able to take advantage of some amazing end of the season sales, but you will also … Continue reading

Photography Week in Review for August 20th-26th, 2007

It was such a busy week in the photography blog and we were are so busy researching and trying to bring you new and fresh material, that I somehow forgot to do the Week in Review for the 20th to the 26th, so here it is. Digital Photography 101: An Introduction Enough is enough. I’m throwing down the gauntlet. My co-blogger Nicole and I have written a number of blogs explaining why we prefer using film cameras rather than digital ones. However, we are by no means digital camera rebels and to prove my point I have decided to write … Continue reading