Realistic Communication

Almost any article or book you read on communication will say this. If you want to be a good listener, you need to repeat back what the other person said. This not only validates what they have said. But it shows them you actually heard what they were saying. Then you can ask questions to help clarify what they meant and how they feel. It sounds like great advice, right? But does it work in real life? I have to admit that it sounds a little corny and unnatural. Imagine a scenario such as this. Your spouse says to you: … Continue reading

Communication Breakdown

What do you do when your marriage has experienced a communication breakdown? It happens to the best of marriages, so it might be helpful to plan for these occasions ahead of time. I will admit it has been an issue in my marriage lately. When this happens it is almost always because of a stressor, particularly with our children. What we have been dealing with lately is a lot of emotional ups and downs, now that we are facing the departure of our oldest son. He will be leaving in just under three weeks for basic training in the Air … Continue reading

Creative Communication with Your Teen

If you are the parent of a teen, then you know how difficult communication can be at times. If it’s not a breakdown of communication, it is miscommunication. Either one can get you in trouble. So how does a parent find a way to communicate with their teen when it feels like they are dealing with a clam? You know the type…they won’t open their mouth for anything. They feel uncomfortable being put on the spot and made to feel that they have to talk. One way is to not make it so formal. Talking with your teen doesn’t have … Continue reading

Business Communication is an Essential Skill

Home-based professionals, like all professionals, must master certain basic skills no matter what their profession of choice. Business communication is one of these essential skills, and it is something that if done well can have a very positive effect on your business. Conversely, if your business communications are poor, the effect on your business can be very negative. Business communications come in many forms, including phone calls, emails, faxes, letters, and even more casual interactions like introducing yourself to someone new or chatting on Facebook or LinkedIn. Fortunately, learning how to have good business communication is not difficult. A little … Continue reading

Gluten-Free Resources : Blogs

It is not unusual for people who have to eat gluten-free to feel very alone in this world. Very few restaurants serve food in a way that is safe for us to eat. You might not know anyone else who has to avoid gluten. In reality, you are not alone! There are some excellent gluten-free blogs to explore. There are days when I feel as though there is nothing in this world that is safe for me to eat. It is easy to feel quite alone as you look over a menu at a new restaurant, only to discover that … Continue reading

When to do When Business Communications are Misinterpreted

Communication is at the heart of every home-based business. When you are working, you are communicating with clients, suppliers, and other types of people. Sometimes, our communications do not send the messages that we intend them to. Perhaps we don’t return a call or email promptly or that we send a poorly worded email or letter. Maybe the tone of voice that we used when speaking was not pleasant. Something happened that caused the recipient of the communication to perceive our message differently than we intended for them to perceive it. When communications are misinterpreted, the person on the receiving … Continue reading

Photo of the Week

I’ve been looking around for a great photo to start off with as I write about great photographs and why they’re important to me. I am a believer that we all like specific photographs for a certain reason that’s personal, but that’s not always explored. I mentioned in an earlier post that I took a class that focused on the rhetoric of photos (basically, what the photos communicate to you in a visual way). I think it’s important to analyze different photographs and how they communicate because I think it makes you a better photographer. You understand better what end … Continue reading

Photo Communication

I found my love of photography in a visual communication class that helped me make sense of why and how certain images stood out in my mind. A single image can be like an article or short story; it’s just read in a slightly different way. In understanding that communication, I believe that you can take what you learn to improve your own photography immensely. One of the assignments in that class was to pick a photo that communicated something to you and write a 10-page paper on it. Ten pages? On one image? Yes. And it ended up being … Continue reading

Should You Start a Direct Sales Blog?

I love blogging. In fact, I am addicted to it. I actually learned how to blog a little over a year ago and was hooked the moment I wrote my first post. As I was learning how to blog, I was also leading an direct sales organization of over three-hundred consultants. I spent much of my time dreaming of ways that I could use a blog to communicate with my downline teams, customers, potential recruits and hostesses. Unfortunately, my company had a policy which restricted any form of online advertising so I wasn’t able to put my ideas into action. … Continue reading

Of Photos and Nostalgia

When I graduated from high school, my grandfather gave me a photo album that he had put together. In it was a photo history of my life, from birth to graduation, with hand-typed text describing the photos and what he remembered about each date. He put everything in an expandable album, and the idea was for me to continue to add to it over the years. I did a pretty good job through my college years, but then I got behind. The cover quote is: “Like gentle waves Returning to the sunlit shore… Sweet memories returning To the heart once … Continue reading