Photography Blog Goals

Photography is definitely one of my passions and I am continually striving to be better with each picture I take. I grew up in a world where photography was an everyday part of my life. My mother was a professional photographer for many years, and a hobbiest for the rest and really still is. We had a dark room in our basement which extremely often, my mother could be found in. I learned about chemicals and processing. I learned about various films, what they were and how they would help take different styles of photographs. I learned about different styles … Continue reading

Artful Blogging – Magazine Review

If you have a blog, or you’ve ever thought about starting one, you should take at look at the Artful Blogging: Visually Inspiring Online Journals magazine. I promise it will inspire your blogging and your creative impulses. The magazine talks about the importance of blogging, about how it makes you pay attention to your day and your life, about how you start noticing things you might have glance over before. Artful Blogging highlights truly creative blogs. Each blog gets a few page spread, along with color photos from their blog entries, and often the stories behind why the blogger started … Continue reading

List of Financial Goals

As I was writing yesterday’s blog entry on setting your financial priorities, I started thinking about all the different financial goals we might have. I thought it would be helpful to list some, and invite my readers to add any more in the comments. Having a list to work from may also help you narrow down which of these apply most to you. Common Financial Goals: 1. Buy a house. 2. Save for retirement. 3. Retire early. 4. Quit work to stay at home with kids. 5. Take an extensive vacation – around the world, to Europe, etc. 6. Pay … Continue reading

New Year Scrapbooking Goals 2008

First, I’d like to wish you all a Happy New Year and a safe and prosperous 2008. It is hard to believe we have completed another year in our lives. It has almost been two years since I started with as well. Time seems to just fly by in a rapid pace, and if we blink, we just might miss something. This is why scrapbooking is such a significant hobby. It is a great way to preserve the everyday life that occurs and save it for future generations. And if you aren’t interested in future generations, then it’s just … Continue reading

What Are Your Scrapbooking Goals?

Scrapbooking like any hobby, requires planning, work and goal setting. Every year at the New Year I set goals for myself during the year. I strive to make them manageable goals so that I can feel as if I have obtained something and succeeded. Usually in the summer I review my goals and alter what I need to make them more realistic. With the New Year only two and a half months away, I started thinking about my goals for next year. My priorities are different now. I am still an avid scrapbooker and photographer, but I am also a … Continue reading

Photography Week in Review for July 16th to 22nd

The Photography blog has been very quiet for quite some time now, but this week things are just starting to get stirred up a little bit. There is much more to come. The photography blog now has two new bloggers with plenty of new information and helpful techniques to be offered. This week there were only three new additions to the photography blog, because we just got started, but we are on a roll and will have new information for you daily. We are however, interested in what you would like to see in addition to what we have planned, … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Blog Goals

Shaking it up in the scrapbooking world has always been my goal, besides teaching others about the joy of scrapbooking. Preserving memories, both good and bad is an extremely important process for people. Remembering good times and bad times can help some people heal, and sometimes it can make a huge difference in their life. Photographs can make people feel more connected to the moment – the memory. Lately, I have reevaluated my goals in the scrapbooking blog. First and foremost, I be writing for the photography blog in addition to scrapbooking (and frugal living). I will be working on … Continue reading

IBX Healthy Steps Pedometer Smart Phone App

Do you have a pedometer? This is one electronic device that I recommend everyone have. You can easily keep track of how many steps you take in a day. And that is very beneficial to your health. The recommended number of steps that we should be taking each day is 10,000. When you have a device that measures this, it motivates you to set goals. And you have a greater likelihood of walking more when you have a pedometer. Taking 10,000 steps a day can increase your energy, promote weight loss and just make you feel better all around. And … Continue reading

Financial Tsunamis

We’ve all watched the news reports from Japan with sorrow and horror. The devastation is unbelievable, and it’s hard to imagine having to endure such tragedy. Our hearts go out to the victims and we pray for them to find comfort and peace as they seek to rebuild their lives and mourn the loss of loved ones. As we contemplate these things, it’s natural for our thoughts to turn to the ripple effects of the event on our world economy, and to wonder how this tragedy might affect us down the road. Obviously, we didn’t just see our town washed … Continue reading

Christmas Shopping for a Tripod

Yesterday I spent way too much time shopping online for a new tripod. Not for me; rather, one of our family’s dearest friends, who happens to be new to the world of hobby photography, mentioned that he was looking to purchase a tripod. Since I am a huge advocate of camera tripods, I convinced a bunch of other friends to help chip in to purchase our hard-working-always-there-when-you-need-him-but-never-requests-or-accepts-payment-for-help-provided pal an invaluable photo tool for Christmas. There’s no arguing that a tripod is a worthwhile investment that will last for decades provided you care for it properly. However, well-made tripods don’t come … Continue reading