Shooting Manual: Spot Metering

In some situations, traditional matrix metering will give you great results. Matrix metering tends to be the default mode for most cameras. As long as your scene is evenly lit, it will work great. The camera’s light meter will look at the whole picture and determine what the correct exposure should be. The exposure will be incorrect, however, when there are areas of intense white or black in the photo. For example, if you take a picture in front of a window or other bright light source, your picture will end up underexposed. If you take a picture in front … Continue reading

Understanding Manual Exposure Part II

When you are exposing your image manually, you must make your shutter speed, aperture and ISO work together. Usually you will choose your shutter speed or aperture first, based on the situation. For a portrait, for example, you might determine that you want a large aperture so that you can blur the background. You would choose a large aperture and then you would adjust your shutter speed to match that setting. The larger your aperture, the faster your shutter speed should be (most of the time). In well lit situations, you will never need to mess with your ISO. You … Continue reading

Understanding Manual Exposure Part I

If you want to learn how to use your camera in full manual mode, you first need to understand the relationship between shutter speed, aperture, and ISO. Whenever I explain these three very important parts of exposure to someone, I always use the human eye as a model. After all, cameras are just trying to do what we do all of the time: see. The shutter on your camera is similar to your eyelid. When the shutter opens, your camera “sees” with its sensor. When it closes, your camera’s sensor is no longer exposed to light, so it does not … Continue reading

Learning Manual Exposure

So you’ve tried and tried taking pictures outside when the lighting is best, but you still are missing the shots. The answer is your exposure. This is a tool you will need to learn how to use. I have a ways to go, but I’m very intrigued by it and want to learn how to take amazing photographs like the pros do in not-so-good light situations. Cameras are amazing little tools. When you really look at it though, it is just a light-proof box with a lens and light-sensitive digital card or film. The light enters the lens (aperture) and … Continue reading

Study Finds Increased Diagnosis of ADHD

A study that was done in Southern California found that there has been an increase of the diagnoses of ADHD in the past ten years. This study included children who lived in Southern California. It is possible that the increase is due to a better understanding of the effects of prenatal exposure to certain substances. How many times have you heard of a study that says that the cases of ADHD are on the rise? Personally, I can think of quite a few of these types of studies that have made the news in the past couple of years. It … Continue reading